Purplelily surprises 1000th Workshop Participant

The Borneo Post ,  June 9, 2013

KUCHING: PurpleLily (a signature project of Soroptimist International – Kuching) is a non-profit project that specialises in life skills and financial literacy training for women in the state.

It has been operating since May 1 and on May 20, PurpleLily reached a major milestone – PurpleLily’s financial literacy workshop provided training for its 1000th participant in the person of Liza Amin. She was among a group of weavers from Tanoti House undergoing the training.

To celebrate this occasion, the PurpleLily team surprised Liza with gifts of a certificate, chocolates and flowers. PurpleLily facilitates workshops in English and Bahasa Malaysia and is currently discussing projects with local partners to serve in more remote areas.

The workshops they are currently facilitating are on self confidence, goal setting, mind mapping, presentation skills, communication skills, leadership skills, stress management, positive thinking, healthy habits, self esteem, motivation and financial literacy.

PurpleLily is currently looking for more volunteers to join their small but dedicated team to serve more women in the state.

For more information, visit their website at www. purplelily.org, Facebook page at www. facebook.com/PurpleLilyOrg or email to suraya.bujang @purplelily.org.

