A royal Visit

It was such an honor to have the Duchess of Cornwall, Camilla, to visit PurpleLily while on her Royal Tour to Singapore & Malaysia in November, 2017. We were informed by the British High Commissioner of Malaysia, Vicki Treadell, that we had been selected as the Women’s NGO that Camilla would visit on this trip. We were pleasantly surprised to hear this news.

We first welcomed Camilla in a private meeting, where we had organised  recent and older participants to share the changes and impact that PurpleLily had into their lives. We found Camilla to be very engaged and curious about the work we do. We then, moved on to the Sexual Education workshop that we were conducting. Camilla witness our interactive and informative style, and then, requested to talk directly with girls. We organised small groups and  we were highly impressed that she took time to talk with all the groups, ask questions and find out more about the girls and their lives.

Although the girls were more familiar with Princes William and Harry, they were excited that have the opportunity to meet a Royal here in Sarawak. Camilla was very kind and generous, she took time to have informal chats and take pictures with them.

As for PurpleLily, this visit generated exposure, publicity and we were able to secure funding directly related to this event. We are reaching more women & girls in communities in 2018 and 2019 because of Camilla’s visit. We are grateful that Camilla came to spend time with us.

Ginette, The Duchess of Cornwall and Suraya walking towards the workshop.
The Duchess of Cornwall having conversations with the girls. Suraya helping with the translation when needed.
The Duchess was engaged and showed that she cared about the girls.
The girls were excited to meet a Royal Duchess at our workshop.
The Duchess kindly signed our guest book.