
Given that we have been in operation since 2012 and have served thousands of women & girls in Sarawak, we feel we have the experience, credibility and understanding of the needs of our women & girls. Hence, itā€™s time for us to step up our efforts by raising awareness and voicing their specific needs to the people who are generating policies, laws and practices that can create lasting and positive changes.

We are pleased to be part of the creation of theĀ Sarawak CSO-SDG Alliance, a collection of Civil Society Organisations working in various sectors yet, we are unitedĀ to help deliver and monitor the progress of the Sustainable Development Goals in Sarawak. We comeĀ together to focus onĀ improving the lives of the Sarawakian people. We meet on regular basis to discuss strategies and implement activities to influence and encourage legislators and government officials to change or adapt policies to better serve the Sarawakian people.

Our Advocacy activities include:

  • Awareness campaigns engaging the public
  • Information workshops targeting civil society organisations
  • Engaging the media through editorial pieces and/or radio
  • Discussing and exchanging information and data on the progress of the development goals
  • Writing letters to individual politicians to solicit their support
  • Requesting face to face meetings with politicians and legislators to promote our cause

We know that we are stronger together and we are determined to see progress and positive changes in the lives of the people of Sarawak.