Life Skills Training

Financial Literacy
Introduction to money management. Participants will list down their needs VS wants and later list down their types of expenses & tracking. We teach our participants to become money wise, share the plan with family and avoid scams.

Building Confidence

Effective Communication Skills
We are always communicating with others, but do we know how to communicate effectively ? This workshop focuses on effective verbal and non-verbal communication, active listening skills, writing/texting and become more aware of our body language. This workshop is highly interactive filled with many activities to develop our communication skills.

Presentation Skills
We have presentation skills workshop for our participants, weather for our teenage daughters or our next-door aunty. This is because we are living in a diverse and competitive world, so we believe that one need to stand up and stand out to have their message delivered effectively. This workshop is useful for our young ones in their education or women who involved in SMEs.

Goal Setting

We see that motivation empower women and girls to take corrective action in the face of curcumstances in life which consequently help them to adapt to their environment and function productively in the society. We teach them ways to gain motivation in their daily life so they can align their action towards their purpose. In our session, we have pair work where each participants will speak out motivating message to their partner.

Positive thinking
Positive thinking an important component of personal and professional development. This activities-filled workshop helps participants to put into practice positive thinking including self-talk, re-framing beliefs, affirmations and using a gratitude journal.

Leadership Skills

Stress Management

Reproductive Health and Women’s Wellness

Healthy Relationship

Sexual Awareness