Women of Worth – Siem Reap, Cambodia


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In March 2014, Ginette partnered with a small NGO called: Women of Worth (WOW). Glenys McDonald – the founder, provides sowing skill training and a lot of support for the women in an underprivileged community near Siem Reap.  The women make bags and sell them at tourists markets, hotels in Siem Reap but they also get orders from Singapore, Australia and America. WOW has significantly improved the lives of the women over the last 2 years by developing skills which generates an income. Glenys felt that our PurpleLily Life Skills and Financial Literacy workshops would greatly benefit her WOW women.

Ginette spent 2 weeks with women from WOW.  Sopheap, an outstanding young woman, was appointed as co-facilitator. Sopheap translated 6 workshops in 2 days and had a great energy, enthusiasm in facilitating the workshops. She was instrumental in making this programme so successful.

Ginette and Sopheap’s schedule was tight, they delivered one workshop in the morning, then practice in the afternoon for the next workshop. It was an intense week for Sopheap but she was a star. They facilitated 6 workshops in 7 days: Building Confidence, Communication, Goal Setting, 5 Healty Habits and Financial Literacy 1 & 2.

The women loved the workshops and our interactive style. Ginette has seen some of the participants bloomed in our workshops, especially Building Confidence and Communication. Financial Literacy was a big focus as the women are slowly increasing their incomes but they needed to learn how to manage their money more efficiently.

In the feedback session, on the last day, Ginette was deeply touched by how the WOW women all expressed how much they have learned and felt stronger & confident because of our workshops. She was truly moved by their gratitude.

Two months later, Ginette returned to Cambodia and visited the WOW women. She was so pleased to see them again but more importantly, was delighted that most of the women were still keeping track of their expenses and their budget (even 2 ladies who are illiterate – are keeping record with drawings and bars systems). Five women have started their own business on a part time basis while still working with Glenys. The ongoing support from Glenys and Sopheap has contributed considerably to guide the women and influence them to keep control of their finances and to dream big.

Ginette feels that working with the WOW women provided her with the greatest sense of achievement as she saw the progress, the impact and the empowerment that PurpleLily Life Skills and Financial Literacy workshops imparted the women.
